Download the Malipo App

Download the Malipo App to Start Making Payments and Transactions Seamlessly

Excited woman using Malipo App for payments in Malawi, showcasing seamless transactions with Malipo Payment
Secure login to Malipo App for payments and transactions in Malawi, ensuring fast and reliable access

Create an account to login on Malipo

Now that you have the malipo app installed create an account to use all of the features.If you are a developer you can integrate your platform with our malipo API.

Send money effortlessly with Malipo App

Send money effortlessly with the Malipo App, seamlessly integrating with Airtel Money and Mpamba. Easily transfer funds, pay bills, and top up airtime—all in one secure, easy-to-use platform. Simplify your transactions today.

Two girls transferring money seamlessly using the Malipo App in Malawi, highlighting secure and effortless transactions